Since 2002, Regions4 has elevated the voice of regional governments and represented them in climate fora, primarily the UNFCCC Conferences. Regions4:

  • Promotes activities to develop joint positions by its members.
  • Advocates for greater recognition and consideration as governmental actors in the conventions and documents adopted.
  • Provides opportunities for members to showcase best practices in side events and specific platforms.
  • Promotes cutting-edge initiatives, such as the RegionsAdapt.
  • Supports the elaboration and implementation of members’ projects.

Thanks to our collective work, today the UNFCCC recognises the relevance of subnational governments in ensuring the effective implementation of international agreements and decisions: from COP16 (2010) with the recognition of the need to engage local and subnational governments as key governmental stakeholders in the climate process, to COP21 (2015) when the Paris Agreement affirmed the importance of cooperation with cities and regional governments in achieving global targets.

At UNFCCC COPS, we will continue to catalyse subnational climate leadership, and advocate for a multi-level governance to bring adaptation and resilience to the centre of the global agenda.


  • RegionsAdapt

    More than 70 regions committed to adapting their territories to climate change though increased ambition.

  • UNFCCC's LGMA Constituency

    Member of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Major Group and the collective roadmap towards a multi-level action COP.

  • UNFCCC's Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action

    Member of the Climate Resilience Working Group.

  • Race To Resilience

    Named official partner to represent regional governments for a step-change in global ambition for climate resilience.

  • Contributions to decision-making

    A number of statements and interventions have been delivered to feed into global decision-making processes.