Start Date

21 May at 4:00 pm

End Date

21 May at 5:30 pm


Some fifteen local authorities have signed up to the COOP’R project ‘Promoting inter-regional cooperation for the economic and social development of French-speaking territories that respects biodiversity in protected areas and spaces’.

Co-funded at 50% by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) as part of the ‘Clés en main 2023/2026’ scheme, this project, implemented by the AIRF, provides the local authorities involved with additional methods, tools and knowledge to operationalise their projects to develop and preserve natural areas as part of an integrated territorial management approach. They will also be able to strengthen their links with each other, encouraging the emergence of joint projects involving a wide range of players.

Organised as part of the implementation of Action 4 of the project and in a 100% digital format, the participative Webinars will each address a specific sector and are open to COOP’R participants and partners.

The 2nd of these will take place in French on Tuesday 21 May 2024, from 16:00 to 17:30 (GMT +2, Paris time), and will focus on biodiversity and adaptation to climate change.

Regions4 is a partner of the COOP’R project.

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Event details