18 September at 2:30 pm
18 September at 6:00 pm
CoR Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium
Climate Action is on top of the political agenda at all levels of government and an increasing concern is arising among citizens as well. While we are still discussing the concrete pathways towards climate neutrality, we already know that no climate action will be capable of avoiding all changes on climate. Climate will change and all territories have to adapt. While mitigation actions are somehow well-understood by LRAs, which struggle with financing and implementation of their plans, in the field of adaptation many LRAs still miss the knowledge and competences to even plan adaptation actions.
In this context, the event is aimed at bringing clarity in the field, discussing with political representatives of LRAs the relevance of planning climate adaptation, showing concrete best practices happening in Europe and exploring the main financing strategies for these kind of actions. During the event, the Covenant of Mayors approach to adaptation will be presented, to provide participants with a possible reference when starting to tackle adaptation. It will also be an opportunity to present on the ground examples and concrete financing opportunities. The “Adaptation to climate change: challenges and opportunities for Local and regional Authorities” event will also be a great opportunity to discuss with the European Environmental Agency (EEA) the social impacts of climate change1, to explore the social dimension of climate change and the social relevance of adaptation actions.