Regions4 promotes and supports the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the level of regional governments, providing expertise, best practices and capacity-building opportunities that can be replicated and showcased.

The activities include the production of quality content about the experiences on this agenda implementation and reports on the inclusion of regional governments in national reviews. The organisation of webinars and information gathering serve as the basis for establishing projects and activities that support the capacities of subnational governments to implement and monitor the progress of the SDGs.


  • 29 regions in action

    Representing nearly 177,842,746‬million inhabitants.

  • Leading webinars

    Since 2015, Regions4 has organised online sessions to foster peer learning exchanges about different aspects of SDG implementation, gathering more than 250 attendees, including experts and policymakers.

  • Participation in major international events

    Regions4 strongly advocates for our constituency of regional governments in major events and high-level meetings, including the High-level Political Fora in New York since the 2030 Agenda adoption. 

Goals and actions

The localisation of the SDGs is a threefold initiative. One set of actions is centred around informing and engaging regions about the importance of the 2030 Agenda. Another is supporting their implementation efforts and providing channels for continuous peer learning and review. Finally, the last course of action is showcasing good practices and strengthening regions’ voices at the global level.

Ultimately, the initiative has three main goals. It aims to share the contribution of regional governments to the SDGs and understand the internal process undertaken by each region to incorporate and transform the global agenda into their own, reflecting their specific circumstances. Also, it envisages to further develop participatory models of governance and accountability mechanisms, and to craft multi-stakeholder partnerships. Lastly, it seeks to bridge different levels of government for more coherent and coordinated actions, fostering greater ambition, and complementing efforts.


Why join this project?

  • Awareness and visibility: Increase knowledge and engagement on the implementation of the SDGs.

  • Strategic information: Showcase and report internationally the experiences and challenges on SDGs monitoring and evaluation.

  • Knowledge Exchange: Access to a global community of good practices and mutual support.

  • Capacity Building: Deploy tools and methodology using a territorial approach to the SDGs.

  • Participation in major international conferences: Attend international meetings, and contact global leaders and experts.

Join our work to localise the SDGs!

We look forward to collaborating with your regional government or organization.

    Eugenio Amato, responsible
    of this project:

    Eugenio Amato

    Sustainable Development Goals Programme Officer