• SDGs

The state of Campeche is located in the Yucatan Peninsula in the southeast of Mexico. The physical environment of Campeche is particularly favourable for agricultural, forestry and fishing activities. Its natural resources place Campeche as one of the most biodiverse and abundant states of Mexico.

78% of the state surface is covered by rainforest ecosystems. Campeche maintains the largest extension of jungles and mangroves of Mexico, with 4’474,000 hectares from which approximately 2’273,174 are protected hectares, representing more than 42% of state surface.

The Balam-kin and Balam-kú ecological conservation zones are the state natural protected areas which represent 520,190 hectares of the state’s total territory. In Balam-kú, is located the largest cave bat aggregation of the American tropics, where a natural spectacle is observed daily with the departure of millions of bats.

The state of Campeche occupies the first place in coastal protection throughout México, more than 60% of its 523 km of coastline are subject to some form of protection. Laguna de Términos occupies the second place in extension in the coast of the Gulf. Campeche records 20% of the 49 types of vegetation reported nationally and is one of the 10 most diverse states in the country.

Campeche has been a pioneer state in the development and promotion of regional, national, and international alliances to strengthen both their environmental and sustainable development policies. It was the first Mexican state to develop a Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Strategy (REDD+) and a Climate Change Program. Since 2017, Campeche has been promoting the 2030 Agenda of Mexico through a special department under the Planning Committee for the Development of the State of Campeche (COPLADECAM in Spanish).

The Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the State of Campeche (SEMARNATCAM in Spanish) launched in 2018, together with the Subcommittee for Environment and Natural Resources and the Interministerial Commission of Climate Change, a virtual platform for the monitoring and evaluation of the SDGs in Campeche. This initiative links local actors such as government bodies with academic institutions, businesses, entrepreneurs and civil society organizations. 

The 2030 Agenda is one of the most ambitious projects in terms of multi-level governance and multilateralism, as it calls different actors to join efforts and rethink the present to build a better and sustainable future. In this regard, SEMARNATCAM, in the framework of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, has built a space for plural participation, interaction and collaboration between different stakeholders. On one hand, it shows the advances in the implementation of the SDGs and; on the other hand, it inspires the development of new solutions to the challenges of sustainable development. 

The overall objective of the project is to develop an interactive virtual platform to integrate and showcase the contributions, actions, projects and alternative solutions proposed by multilevel actors for the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals, within the framework of the 2030 Agenda in Campeche. The virtual platform is intended to serve not only as a way to disseminate the collective work and efforts of all the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the SDGs and 2030 Agenda in Campeche, but also as an opportunity to create and offer competitive products and services, responsibly aligned with the SDGs. 

Through this new virtual platform “ODS Campeche Natural”, the government of Campeche seeks to: 

  • Promote the mainstreaming and incorporation of the SDGs in the public agenda, civil society and business;
  • Facilitate the creation of indicators for monitoring and measuring the impact of the projected actions;
  • Promote a governance model with the support of new technologies that showcase the efforts of all involved actors, favouring their engagement, exchange of experiences and the construction of a “community” that advocates for sustainable development;
  • Establish a new communication channel between civil society and the government with an integral and multidimensional approach that favours a participatory approach for decision-making and the design and implementation of more effective policies;
  • Identify and incorporate new public and private actors as agents of change, innovation and transformation, with special focus on the youth sector, taking advantage of the existing platforms and mechanisms of innovation and entrepreneurship of Campeche.
  • Promote social entrepreneurship and the green economy under the principles of community and sustainability;
  • Foster a collective consciousness change, starting from the principle of co-creation of content, aimed at the promotion of values such as: solidarity, sense of belonging and identity. 

To fulfill these goals, SEMARNATCAM has proposed the following strategies:

  • Promote the project as an input for the development of National, State and Municipal Plans, which result in a budgeting process with an integral and sustainable approach;
  • Promote sustainability in the public and private spheres, fostering the creation of new businesses (following the green economy model) and the development of academic and scientific research, whose joint efforts are directed to the SDGs as an intervention and solution route;
  • Incorporate into public policies the projects and programs that act as accelerators of development and that have measurable impact in more than one SDG;
  • Redefine corporate social responsibility in Campeche, based on the 2030 Agenda and link it to other existing initiatives;
  • Strengthen international cooperation for sustainable development based on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda;
  • Bring the SDGs and consequent implementation actions closer to the daily lives of the people and foster a change of awareness and promote co-responsibility.

The project has been designed to be implemented in three phases. The first phase from   November 2018 to June 2019 for planning and design of the virtual platform, launch and promotion, followed by the measurement of results at the local level. The monitoring phase considers the number of actions for each objective, distinguishing their scope (social, economic, political), in addition to the registration of the proposals and initiatives linked to each target. 

Phase two from July to November 2019 consists on the replication of the platform at a national level, with the support of the National Assembly of Environmental State Authorities of Mexico (ANAAE in Spanish). The project finishes with phase 3 in November 2019 with the presentation of the virtual platform in the international sphere, for its possible implementation in partner subnational governments. 


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