Faced with climate change, one of the most important challenges for the future of our country and the world, the Government of Catalonia wants to listen to and consider the proposals of a cross-section of Catalan citizens.
The Citizens’ Climate Assembly of Catalonia is a political space formed by 100 citizens of Catalonia to collectively develop solutions in response to one of the most important challenges we face for the future: the climate change. The 100 people from Catalonia were selected by lottery and were tasked with studying, discussing and drafting proposals in the areas of energy and the use of renewable energy, as well as food systems. The Assembly submitted its recommendations to the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which will evaluate and respond to them with a view to incorporating them into the country’s policies.
This is a unique experience and an opportunity to take an active part in a project for the democratic improvement of our country, and a means, over and above voting, of participating in the definition of important public policies.
The primary objective of the Assembly will be to learn, deliberate and finally make proposals, but it has also served to improve, complement and innovate the potential for involving citizens in the formulation of the Generalitat’s public policies. This process has also helped to generate knowledge and awareness of the challenges of the climate emergency in Catalonia.