• Biodiversity
  • Climate Change

Contributing to the mitigation of climate change and increasing the carbon sink capacity of Mediterranean forests

  • Context

GDP (US$): 236,814 M$

POPULATION: 7 670 836

  • Initiative

Catalan forests absorb around 10% of the CO2 emissions of Catalonia. A sustainable management of these forests could increase this capacity by up to 20%.

The Life CLIMARK is a new project that aims to contribute to the mitigation of climate change and increase the carbon sink capacity, prevent the forest fires, improve the runoff water and improve biodiversity conservation of the Mediterranean forests. It fosters the mitigating effects of a multifunctional and climate-smart forest management. It also offers access to new finance schemes, through the creation of a voluntary credit market that goes beyond carbon credits, integrating other factors such as water, biodiversity and fire prevention.

The Climate Credit facilitates investing in nature-based solutions as part of voluntary offsetting and corporate social responsibility initiatives. For woodlands managers and owners, it is a way to diversify income sources based on the benefits they provide for society. For investors, the framework of Climate Credit guarantees transparency and accountability, while also offering visibility and recognition.

Based on a forest management impact assessment, the Climate Credit takes into account the:

  1. Ability to absorb and/or conserve carbon stocks (in woodlands and in products)
  2. Improve runoff to increase available water
  3. Biodiversity conservation and enhancement
  4. Fire resistance and resilience
  • Key Factor
    • Adaptation Finance
    • Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting
    • Mainstreaming Adaptation
  • Reference

Website of Project


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