Members of the Advisory Committee of Subnational Governments and Biodiversity (AC SNG) launched an open call for collaboration in support of the Parties to the CBD during COP14 in Egypt, in November 2018, to accelerate the implementation of the global biodiversity framework up to 2020 and beyond.
The open call is called “Subnational Coalition for Biodiversity Action,” and includes 5 commitments and open doors for a global partnership between subnational governments and Parties to the CBD.
Representing over 2800 municipalities and nearly 2 million km2 of territory
Support to the SCBA includes the CoR, the European assembly of local and regional representatives.
Signatories have shown that they are ready to join forces with the Parties and to support the CBD Secretariat in a new framework of collaboration.
The promoters of the SCBA will carry out actions at the regional, national and international level in order to achieve their commitments.
The call for action includes five strategic commitments:
a. Lead the development of Subnational Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (SNBSAPs) in alignment with, and as a complement to National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs);
b. Maximise subnational efforts to implement tools, guidelines and nature-based solutions, as well as exchange best practices and promote decentralised cooperation to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, the NBSAPs and the SNBSAPs;
c. Mainstream biodiversity conservation in policies and practices for all economic sectors, under the frame of the 2030 Agenda and all its SDGs emphasizing 14 (Life in the Oceans) and 15 (Life on Land);
d. Mobilise and involve the entire range of civil society through communication, education and public awareness strategies at a subnational level, including the private sector, indigenous peoples, local communities and their traditional knowledge, as well as non-governmental organisations and academia;
e. Actively engage with planning, monitoring and evaluation systems at a National and subnational level, as appropriate, to develop visions and goals, and to report on the progress of our actions in line with the reporting obligations of the Parties under the Convention on Biological Diversity and the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets for Biodiversity and their natural successors post-2020.
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