In a recent communication the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) announced that none of the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets, set in 2010, has been reached and only six have been partially achieved, making the upcoming CBD COP 15 (Kunming, China – 2nd quarter of 2021) a turning point for our world’s biodiversity.
To respond to this urgency, many subnational and local networks, institutions and political leaders got together in the Edinburg Process, led by the Scottish Government, and launched the Edinburgh Declaration requesting the CBD Parties to: “Support the adoption at COP15, of a new dedicated Decision for the greater inclusion of subnational governments, cities and local authorities within the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, which significantly raises ambition for subnational, city and local implementation throughout the next decade.”
As coordinator of the Advisory Committee on Subnational Governments (AC SNG) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Regions4 has been a strong advocate for the adoption of a new COP 15 Decision that safeguards the legacy of Decision X/22 and its Plan of Action, adopted 10 years ago at CBD COP 10 in Nagoya (Japan), and more importantly that focuses on subnational and local governments’ fundamental role in the implementation of the new targets.
Regions4 took part in the event “Towards adopting a renewed decision on local and subnational governments at the Biodiversity COP” which was held on 22 October 2020 within the Daring Cities forum. Regions4 Vice President for America, Mr. Sergio Graf, represented the voice of all our members and invited all subnational governments willing to make a difference to take part in our efforts and join us in this cause.
During his intervention Mr. Graf stated that: “We know first-hand, thanks to the experiences documented by the Regions4 Biodiversity Learning Platform, that subnational governments generate knowledge and lessons learned that in many cases are scalable and can be useful for other regions worldwide, as well as for the attainment of the global biodiversity goals. Therefore, subnational governments, our networks and advisory committees, should be an integral part of the new global framework, with a bottom-up approach that includes the key implementers.”
Mr. Graf also invited delegates toconsult Regions4 report “Mainstreaming Biodiversity: The Experience of Subnational Governments” which was intended to feed the discussions to be held at the 3rd meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (March 2021 – tbc), as it has been accepted to be an official Information Document. The report contains detailed information on regional example in capacity building, opportunities to develop and strengthen partnerships, obstacles to integrating biodiversity into other sectors, and possible solutions to these challenges.
The full intervention can be accessed at the: High-Level Session recording
To join Regions4 global advocacy efforts on biodiversity please contact Renata Gomez, Biodiversity Programme Manager:
To sign the Edinburgh Declaration, please click here